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1920 January![]() January 3rd In 1920, Stalin arrives in Orel. Stalin signs an instruction of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Front to the armies of the front for the capture of Rostov. January 6th In 1920, Stalin arrives at Southern Front headquarters in Kursk. January 10th In 1920, League of Nations offically began, but without the United States. In 1920, Stalin informs V. I. Lenin of the capture of Rostov by Budyonny's Cavalry. J. V. Stalin signs an order of the day of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Front congratulating the armies of the front on the defeat of Denikin's armies and the capture of the Donbas and Rostov. January 11th In 1920, Stalin leaves Kursk for the area of operations of the Fourteenth Army of the South-Western Front. January 13th In 1920, Stalin signs an instruction of the Revolutionary Military Council of the South-Western Front to the armies of the front for the pursuit of Denikin's armies retreating to the Black Sea ports. January 14th In 1920, Stalin returns to Kursk after his visit to the front. January 15th In 1920, Stalin leaves Kursk for Moscow. January 20th In 1920, At a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars, J. V. Stalin makes a report on the "Statute of the Ukrainian Labor Army Council." The C.P.C. endorses the "Statute" and appoints J. V. Stalin Chairman of the Ukrainian Labor Army Council. January 23rd In 1920, the Dutch government refused demands from the victorious Allies to hand over the ex-Kaiser of Germany. |
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1920 February
In 1920, Hitler work over Programm in Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP) for Party.
February 2nd
In 1920, Estonia declares its Independence from Russia (Dorpat Peace).
In 1920, Russia recognizes Estonia's independence (Dorpat Peace).
In 1920, Stalin arrives from Moscow at the headquarters of the South-Western Front in Kursk.
February 7th
In 1920, The A.R.C.E.G. appoints J. V. Stalin a member of a commission of the Presidium of the A.R.C.E.G. set up to work out problems con-cerning the federal structure of the RSFSR
February 10th
In 1920, Stalin arrives in Kharkov with the transfer to that city of the Revolutionary Military Council and headquarters of the South-western Front.
February 12th
In 1920, Stalin conducts a preliminary conference of members of the Ukrainian Labor Army Council.
February 13th
In 1920, Stalin informs V. I. Lenin by direct wire of the measures adopted for the formation of the Ukrainian Labor Army.
February 16th
In 1920, Stalin presides at the first meeting of the Ukrainian Labor Army Council and reports on the constitution of the Council and its tasks.
February 20th
In 1920, Stalin signs decisions of the Ukrainian Labor Army Council on the militarization of the Donbas coal industry and on the supply of prime necessities to the workers.
February 24th
In 1920, Peace treaty gives Estonia independence.
In 1920, the fledgling German political party held its first meeting of importance in Munich. The organization became known as the Nazi Party, with Adolf Hitler, it's spokesman.
1920 March
March 7th
In 1920, In an order of the day to the Ukrainian Labor Army, J. V. Stalin calls on the men, commanders and commissars of the 42nd Division, which has been incorporated in the Ukrainian Labor Army, to win the battle for coal.
March 9th
In 1920, Stalin conducts a conference of members of the Ukrainian Labor Army Council, the Ukrainian Council of People's Commissars and other organizations on problems of food supply.
March 15th
In 1920, Stalin conducts an emergency meeting of the Ukrainian Labor Army Council in connection with V. I. Lenin's proposal on delimiting the boundaries of the Donets Gubernia.
March 17-23rd
In 1920, Stalin directs the Fourth All-Ukrainian Conference of the Ukrainian Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in Kharkov.
March 17th
In 1920, Stalin delivers a speech at the opening of the Fourth All-Ukrainian Conference of the UkRCP(B).
March 19th
In 1920, the U.S. Senate rejected for the second time the Treaty of Versailles by a vote of 49 in favor, 35 against, falling short of the two-thirds majority needed for approval.
In 1920, Stalin makes a report on economic policy at the Fourth All-Ukrainian Conference of the UkRCP(B).
March 20th
In 1920, Stalin replies to the discussion of his report on economic policy at the Fourth All-Ukrainian Conference of the UkRCP(B).
March 23rd
In 1920, The Fourth All-Ukrainian Conference of the UkRCP(B) elects J. V. Stalin a delegate to the Ninth Congress of the RCP(B).
J. V. Stalin delivers a speech at the closing of the conference.
J. V. Stalin loaves Kharkov for Moscow.
March 24th
In 1920, first US coast guard air station established, Morehead City, NC.
March. 29-April 5th
In 1920, Stalin takes part in the work of the Ninth Congress of the RCP (‚).
March 31th
In 1920, Hitler partyworker in Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP).
1920 April
April 1st
In 1920, At the Ninth Congress of the RCP(B), J. V. Stalin is elected to a commission set up to draft the resolution on the question of the trade unions and their organization.
April 4th
In 1920, The Ninth Congress of the RCP(B) elects J. V. Stalin a member of the C.C., RCP(B).
April 5th
In 1920, At a plenary meeting of the C.C., RCP(B), J. V. Stalin is appointed a member of the Political Bureau and the Organizing Bureau of the C.C., RCP(B).
April 16th
In 1920, Stalin makes a communication on the state of the Donets coal industry at a meeting of the Council of Labor and Defense.
April 20th
In 1920, Tornadoes kill 219 in Alabama & Mississippi.
April 23rd
In 1920, Stalin's article, "Lenin as the Organizer and Leader of the Russian Communist Party," appears in Pravda, No. 86.
J. V. Stalin delivers a speech at a meeting called by the Moscow Committee of the R.G.P.(B) on the occasion of V. I. Lenin's fiftieth birthday.
April 29-May 2nd
In 1920, V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin participate in drawing up the theses of the C.C., RCP(B) on the organization of agitation work in connection with the war with Poland.
1920 May
May 4th
In 1920, The Council of People's Commissars appoints J. V. Stalin Chairman of a commission on the establishment of an Autonomous Tatar Soviet Republic.
May 5th
In 1920, German-Latvian peace treaty signed.
May 10th
In 1920, The Council of Labor and Defense appoints J. V. Stalin Chairman of a commission on the supply of clothing to the armies of the Western Front.
May 14th
In 1920, Stalin makes a report on the supply of clothing to the armies of the Western Front at a meeting of the Council of Labor and Defense.
The Council of Labor and Defense appoints J. V. Stalin Chairman of a commission on the supply of cartridges, rifles and machine guns to the army and on measures for increasing the output of the small arms and ammunition factories.
May 17th
In 1920, Stalin conducts a meeting of the commission on the supply of cartridges, rifles and machine guns and on measures for increasing the output of the small arms and ammunition factories.
May 20th
In 1920, Izvestia publishes "Instructions Concerning the Procedure of Election of Workers and Peasants to, and Their Participation in, the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection," signed by J. V. Stalin as People's Commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection.
May 21st
In 1920, At a meeting of the Council of Labor and Defense, J. V. Stalin reports on the results of the work of the commission on the supply of cartridges, rifles and machine guns to the army.
May 25 and 26th
In 1920, J. V. Stalin's article, "The Entente's New Campaign Against Russia," is published in Pravda, Nos. 111 and 112.
May 26th
In 1920, In connection with Poland's attack on the Soviet Republic, the C.C., RCP(B) sends J. V. Stalin to the South-Western Front.
May 27th
In 1920, Stalin arrives at the headquarters of the South-Western Front in Kharkov.
May 29th
In 1920, Stalin wires V. I. Lenin informing him of the measures adopted to strengthen the Crimean sector of the South-Western Front.
J. V. Stalin leaves Kharkov for Kremenchug.
May 31st
In 1920, Stalin informs V. I. Lenin of the situation on the South-Western Front.
Stalin signs an instruction of the Revo-lutionary Military Council of the South-Western Front to the Command of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Armies on measures for the defense of Odessa.
1920 June
Early June
In 1920, Stalin confers with commanders of the First Cavalry Army in Kremenchug and discusses the situation at the front and the plan of operations of the Cavalry Army.
June 3rd
In 1920, Stalin signs an instruction of the Revolutionary Military Council of the South-Western Front to the Commander of the First Cavalry Army to demolish the Kiev group of the Polish armies.
June 12th
In 1920, In a letter to V. I. Lenin, J; V. Stalin comments on V. I. Lenin's draft theses on the national and colonial question for the Second Congress of the Communist International.
Stalin informs V. I. Lenin of the capture of Kiev by the Red Army.
June 20th
In 1920, Stalin returns to Kharkov from Kremen-chug.
June 24th
In 1920, Stalin leaves for Sinelnikovo, in the Crimean sector of the South-Western Front.
The Kharkov newspaper Kommunist publishes an interview given by J. V. Stalin to a Ukrainian ROSTA correspondent on the situation on the South-Western Front,
1920 July
July 3rd
In 1920, Royal Air Force holds an air display at Hendon, England.
In 1920, Stalin returns to Kharkov from Sinelnikovo.
July 7th
In 1920, Stalin leaves for Moscow.
Prior to July 11th
In 1920, Stalin confers with the Commander-in-Chief, the Chief of the Field Staff and the Vice-Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic on the sending of reinforcements to the Crimean sector of the South-Western Front.
July 11th
In 1920, Pravda publishes an interview with J. V. Stalin on the situation on the Polish Front.
July 12th
In 1920, Stalin returns from Moscow to South-Western Front headquarters in Kharkov.
July 14th
In 1920, Stalin leaves for Volnovakha, in the Crimean sector of the front.
July 16th
In 1920, Stalin goes to Mariupol to acquaint himself with the state of the Azov fleet.
A plenary meeting of the C.C., RCP(B) approves the measures proposed by J. V. Stalin for the defeat of Wrangel. V. I. Lenin informs J. V. Stalin of this.
Prior to July 19
In 1920, Stalin drafts a letter of the C.C., RCP(B) to Party organizations on the mobilization of Communists for the Crimean Front. On V. I. Lenin's proposal, the letter is circulated to the Party organizations.
July 19th
In 1920, Stalin arrives in Lozovaya from Volnovakha.
July 20th
In 1920, Stalin returns to Kharkov after his visit to the front.
July 29th
In 1920, Mexican rebel Pancho Villa surrenders.
July 31st
In 1920, Stalin leaves for Lozovaya.
1920 August
August 2nd
In 1920, V. I. Lenin informs J. V. Stalin of a decision of the Political Bureau of the C.C., RCP(B) to establish an independent front against Wrangel. The Political Bureau instructs J. V. Stalin to set up a Revolutionary Military Council of this front and concentrate attention on this sector.
August 7th
In 1920, Stalin informs V. I. Lenin that the Red Army has forced the Dnieper and occupied Alyoshki, Kakhovka and other points on the left bank of the river.
August 9th
In 1920, Stalin arrives in Alexandrovsk from Lo-zovaya.
August 14th
In 1920, Stalin returns to Kharkov after his visit to the front.
August 17th
In 1920, Stalin leaves for Moscow.
August 19th
In 1920, V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin send instructions on measures for assisting the Crimean Front to the Central Committee of the UkRCP(B), the Caucasian and Siberian Bureaus of the C.C., RCP(B), the Petrograd Committee of the RCP(B) and the Revolutionary Military Council of the Western Front.
August 25th
In 1920, In a memorandum to the Political Bureau of the C.C., RCP(B), J. V. Stalin submits a programme for the creation of fighting reserves of the Republic.
1920 September
September 8th
In 1920, Mahatma Gandhi and the National Congress in India began the first passive resistance campaign against British rule.
September 16th
In 1920, New York City: TNT bomb planted in unattended horse-drawn wagon exploded on Wall Street opposite House of Morgan, killing 35 persons and injuring hundreds more. Bolshevist or anarchist terrorists believed responsible but crime never solved.
September 22-25th
In 1920, Stalin takes part in the work of the Ninth All-Russian Conference of the RCP(B).
September 22nd
In 1920, Stalin speaks in the discussion on the report of the Central Committee at the Ninth All-Russian Conference of the RCP(B).
1920 October
October 10th
In 1920, J. V. Stalin's article, "The Policy of the Soviet Government on the National Question in Russia," is printed in Pravda, No. 226.
October 15th
In 1920, Stalin delivers a speech at the opening of the First All-Russian Conference of Responsible Personnel of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection.
October 16th
In 1920, On the instructions of the C.C., RCP(B), J. V. Stalin leaves for the North Caucasus and Azerbaijan.
October 18th
In 1920, Stalin arrives in Rostov-on-Don and acquaints himself with the state of Party work.
October 21st
In 1920, Stalin arrives in Vladikavkaz.
October 26th
In 1920, Stalin sends a report to the C.C., RCP(B) and V. I. Lenin on the situation in the Caucasus.
October 27-29th
In 1920, Stalin directs the work of a regional conference of Communist organizations of the Don and the Caucasus, held in Vladikavkaz.
October 27th
In 1920, At the regional conference of Communist organizations of the Don and the Caucasus, J. V. Stalin delivers a report on the "Political Situation of the Republic."
October 30th
In 1920, Stalin leaves Vladikavkaz for Baku.
1920 November
November 4th
In 1920, Stalin attends a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party and members of the Caucasian Bureau of the C.C., RCP(B) on the negotiations with Georgia and the situation in Armenia.
November 6th
In 1920, Stalin delivers an address on "Three Years of Proletarian Dictatorship" at a celebration meeting of the Baku Soviet.
November 9th
In 1920, Stalin makes a report on the tasks of Party and Soviet work in Azerbaijan at a joint meeting of the C.C., Azerbaijan C.P.(B), the Caucasian Bureau of the C.C., RCP(B), and Baku Party and Soviet organizations.
November 12th
In 1920, Stalin arrives in Temir-Khan-Shura.
November 13th
In 1920, Stalin makes a report at a meeting of Party functionaries on the tasks of Party and Soviet bodies in connection with the granting of autonomy to Daghestan.
J. V. Stalin makes a declaration on Soviet autonomy for Daghestan at a Congress of the Peoples of Daghestan.
November 16th
In 1920, Stalin arrives in Vladikavkaz.
November 17th
In 1920, Stalin makes a report at a Congress of the Peoples of the Terek region on "Soviet Autonomy for the Terek region."
Stalin receives a number of delegates to the Congress of the Peoples of the Terek region, members of the Cossack-peasant group.
November 20th
In 1920, Stalin leaves Vladikavkaz for Moscow.
November 30th
In 1920, Pravda publishes an interview with J . V. Stalin on the situation in the Caucasus.
1920 December
December 3rd
In 1920, Turkey & Armenia agree to peace treaty.
December 4th
In 1920, J. V. Stalin's article, "Long Live Soviet Armenia!" is printed in Pravda, No. 273.
December 16th
In 1920, 8.6 earthquake destroys 15,000 square miles (Kansu China); O ver 180,000 die.
December 22-29th
In 1920, Stalin takes part in the work of the Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
December 29th
In 1920, The Eighth All-Russian Congress of Soviets elects J. V. Stalin a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.
December 31st
In 1920, The A.R.C.E.C. elects J. V. Stalin a member of its Presidium.