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1921 January![]() January 1-2nd In 1921, Stalin directs the proceedings of the Conference of Communists of the Tyurk Peoples of the RSFSR; he delivers a speech at the opening of the conference and makes the report on the organisational question. January 5th In 1921, J. V. Stalin writes the article "Our Disagreements," published in Pravda, No. 12, of January 19, 1921. January 14th In 1921, Stalin makes a report on the current situation at a meeting in the theatre of the First Naval Coast Defense Detachment (Petrograd). January 17th In 1921, Stalin speaks at an enlarged session of the Moscow Committee of the RCP(B) on the role of the trade unions in industry, in opposition to the theses proposed by Trotsky and Bukharin, and in support of the Leninist "Platform of the Ten." January 18th In 1921, Stalin speaks at the enlarged session of the Moscow Committee of the RCP(B) in opposition to the proposal to transform the regular army into a militia, and in support of the proposal to strengthen the regular army. January 19th In 1921, Stalin presides at a meeting of the Council of Nationalities of the People's Commissariat for the Affairs of Nationalities and is elected to the commission set up to draft the regulations governing the Council. |
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1921 February
February 6th
In 1921, J. V. Stalin's theses on "The Immediate Tasks of the Party in the National Question" are discussed at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(B); a commission headed by V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin is appointed to make the final draft of the theses.
February 7th
In 1921, J. V. Stalin and V. I. Lenin, with the other members of the commission, edit the theses on the national question to be submitted to the Tenth Congress of the RCP(B).
February 10th
In 1921, J. V. Stalin's theses on "The Immediate Tasks of the Party in the National Question" are published in Pravda, No. 29.
February 12th
In 1921, Stalin has an interview with representatives of the Daghestan ASSR
February 15th
In 1921, Stalin sends a telegram to G. K. Orjonikidze, in Baku, containing the directives of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) to the Revolutionary Military Council of the Eleventh Army, and asking for daily reports on the course of events in the Caucasus.
February 16th
In 1921, Stalin sends an enquiry to G. K. Orjonikidze about the state of affairs in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
February 28th
In 1921, Stalin writes a note to V. I. Lenin on the need to defend Batum against the Turks.
1921 March
March 3rd
In 1921, Stalin sends by direct wire V. I. Lenin's greetings and directives to the Georgian Communists.
March 5th
In 1921, Stalin makes a report to a meeting of the Council of Nationalities of the People's Commissariat for the Affairs of Nationalities on the results of the work of the commission appointed to draft the Statute of the Council of Nationalities.
March 8-16th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the work of the Tenth Congress of the RCP(B).
March 8th
In 1921, after Germany failed to make its first war reparation payment, French troops occupied Dusse ldorf and other towns on the Ruhr River in Germany's industrial heartland.
In 1921, The Tenth Congress of the RCP(B) elects J. V. Stalin a member of the congress presidium.
March 9th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the negotiations between the Soviet Government and a Turkish delegation.
March 10th
In 1921, Stalin makes the report on "The Immediate Tasks of the Party in the National Question" at the Tenth Congress of the RCP(B).
March 13th
In 1921, V. I. Lenin writes a note to J. V. Stalin proposing that delegates at the Tenth Congress of the RCP(B) be sent to take part in the suppression of the Kronstadt mutiny.
March 14th
In 1921, The Tenth Congress of the RCP(B) elects J. V. Stalin a member of the Central Committee of the RCP(B).
March 16th
In 1921, Stalin makes a statement at the Tenth Congress of the RCP(B) on behalf of the commission appointed to draft the resolution on the national question.
In 1921, The Plenum of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) elects J. V. Stalin a member of the Political Bureau and of the Organisational Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party.
In 1921, Stalin writes a letter to V. I. Lenin about the plan for the electrification of Russia.
1921 April
April 16th
In 1921, Stalin sends V. I. Lenin his observations on the draft regulations governing the Central Fuel Administration.
April 19th
In 1921, Stalin attends a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars and is elected a member of the commission appointed to draft a decision on extending the powers of the Azerbaijanian Oil Committee.
April 22nd
In 1921, Stalin submits to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee the draft of a proposal by the People's Commissariat for the Affairs of Nationalities on the formation of a Komi Autonomous Region.
April 26th
In 1921, At a meeting of the Council of Nationalities of the People's Commissariat for the Affairs of Nationalities, J. V. Slalin reports on the amendments made by the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to the "Statute of the Council of Nationalities," and takes part in the discussion on the question of forming the Komi Autonomous Region.
1921 May
May 2nd
In 1921, J. V. Stalin writes the article "Concerning the Presentation of the National Question," published in Pravda, No. 98, of May 8, 1921.
May 5th
In 1921, Stalin makes a statement to a meeting of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for the Affairs of Nationalities on a draft decree making it obligatory for all People's Commissariats to submit to the People's Commissariat for the Affairs of Nationalities proposed laws and decisions affecting different nationalities.
May 10th
In 1921, Stalin speaks at a meeting of the Council of People's Commissars on the question of the local departments of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection.
May 11th
In 1921, Germany forced to accept the $32 billion reparations schedule established by the London Conference; but collapse of the mark in August and severe inflation prevented Germany from making the payments of $500 million per year plus 26% of German exports.
May 16th
In 1921, Stalin presides at a meeting of the Collegium of the People's Commissariat for the Affairs of Nationalities. The Collegium decides to convene a congress of Yakut working people to discuss the question of forming a Yakut Autonomous Region.
May 16-25th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the work of the commission appointed by the Central Committee of the RCP(B) to prepare for and conduct the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions.
May 18th
In 1921, Stalin, on the instructions of the Central Committee of the RCP(B), speaks at a meeting of the Communist group at the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions in opposition to a resolution proposed by the anarcho-syndicalist group on the report of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions to the congress.
May 19th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the work of the commission appointed by a plenary session of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) to investigate Tomsky's anti-Party conduct at the Fourth All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions.
End of May
In 1921, Stalin goes to Nalchik to take a cure.
1921 June
June 12th
In 1921, Stalin sends greetings to the Fourth Congress of Soviets of the Kabardinian territory.
June 17th
In 1921, Stalin telegraphs greetings to the First Congress of Highland Women.
End of June
In 1921, Stalin leaves Nalchik for Tiflis to take part in the work of a plenary session of the Caucasian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(B).
1921 July
July 2-7th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the work of the plenary session of the Caucasian Bureau of the. Central Committee of the RCP(B).
July 4th
In 1921, V. I. Lenin telegraphs G. K. Orjonikidze enquiring why J. V. Stalin's vacation was interrupted, and asking to be sent the opinion of the doctors on Stalin's state of health.
July 6th
In 1921, Stalin makes a report at a general meeting of the Tiflis Party organization on "The Immediate Tasks of Communism in Georgia and Transcaucasia." The report was published in the newspaper Pravda Gruzii, No. 108, of July 13, 1921.
July 7, 8, 14th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the work of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the C.P.(B) of Georgia. On his proposal, the Plenum discusses the policy of the Communist Party of Georgia as regards restoring the national economy and strengthening the Soviet power.
July 21st
In 1921, World's Lowest Temperature Recorded: minus 129 deg F in Antarctica.
July 25th
In 1921, V. I. Lenin enquires of G. K. Orjonikidze about the number of days J. V.. Stalin's vacation was interrupted, and asks for the name and address of the doctor treating J. V. Stalin.
July 29th
In 1921, Adolf Hitler becomes leader of National Socialist 'Nazi' Party (NSDAP).
1921 August
August 8th
In 1921, Stalin leaves Nalchik for Moscow.
August 18th
In 1921, V. I. Lenin orders the State Planning Commission to render J.V. Stalin assistance in obtaining information on all economic affairs, particularly on the goldmining industry and on the Baku oil industry.
August 22nd
In 1921, The Central Committee of the RCP(B) places J. V. Stalin in general charge of the Agitation and Propaganda Department of the Central Committee.
August 24th
In 1921, England: AR-2 British dirigible, broke in two on trial trip near Hull; 62 died.
August 25th
In 1921, the United States signed a peace treaty with Germany.
August 28th
In 1921, J.V. Stalin's article "The Party Before and After Taking Power" is published in Pravda, No. 190.
1921 September
September 6-8th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the proceedings of the commission appointed by the Central Committee of the RCP(B) to improve the work of the central administration of the railways.
September 21st
In 1921, Gas explodes at Bradishe Aniline chemical works in Germany, 565 die.
September 22nd
In 1921, At a meeting of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, J. V. Stalin is elected a member of the commission on the question of the division of land between the Highland population (Chechens) and the Cossacks.
September 27th
In 1921, Stalin receives V. I. Lenin's letter "Concerning the Question of the Tasks of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection, Their Interpretation and Execution," and writes V. I. Lenin a "Reply on Inspection."
1921 October
1921 November
November 3rd
In 1921, At a meeting of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, J. V. Stalin is elected to the commission appointed to make preparations for the Ninth All-Russian Congress of Soviets.
November 8th
In 1921, J. V. Stalin's article "The October Revolution and the National Policy of the Russian Communists" is published in the newspaper Zhizn Natsionalnostei (Life of the Nationalities), No. 24 (122).
November 11th
In 1921, President Harding dedicated the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.In 1933, "Great Black Blizzard" first great dust storm in the Great Plains.
November 13th
In 1921, Stalin delivers a lecture at the club of the Krasnaya Presnya District Party Committee on. "The Political Strategy and Tactics of the Communists and the New Economic Policy."
November 17th
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the meeting of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, which examines the question of agricultural communes, artels and societies for the joint cultivation of the land.
November 18th
In 1921, The Central Committee of the RCP(B) appoints J. V. Stalin as one of the editors of its organ, Vestnik Agitatsii i Propagandy (Bulletin of Agitation and Propaganda).
November 28th
In 1921, Stalin receives from V. I. Lenin the draft of a proposal for the formation of a federation of Transcaucasian republics, and writes his observations on it and an amendment to it. V. I. Lenin accepts the amendment.
November 29th
In 1921, The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) adopts the resolution proposed by V. I. Lenin and J. V. Stalin on the federation of the Transcaucaeian republics.
In 1921, The U.S., Great Britain, France and Japan sign the Washington Treaty to limit naval armaments.
1921 December
December 18th
In 1921, J. V. Stalin's article "The Prospects" is published in Pravda, No, 286.
December 20th
In 1921, Stalin and the other members of the Council of People's Commissars sign the draft of the Council's decision on the plan for the electrification of the RSFSR
December 23rd
In 1921, The Ninth All-Russian Congress of Soviets elects J. V. Stalin to its presidium.
December 28th
In 1921, The Ninth All-Russian Congress of Soviets elects J. V. Stalin a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.
December 29th
In 1921, The First Session of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, Ninth Convocation, elects J. V. Stalin a member of the Presidium of the All-Russian C.E.C. and appoints him People's Commissar for the Affairs of Nationalities and People's Commissar of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspection.
In 1921, Stalin takes part in the proceedings of the commission of the Central Committee of the RCP(B) on work in the countryside.