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1929 January![]() January In 1929, Hitler led a political campaign against the Young Plan of reparations payments. January 31st In 1929, Leon Trotsky expelled from Russia to Turkey. End of January and beginning of February In 1929, Stalin delivers speeches on "Bukharin's Group and the Right Deviation in Our Party" at a joint meeting of the Political Bureau of the C.C. and Presidium of the C.C.C., CPSU(B). |
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1929 February
February 2nd
In 1929, J. V. Stalin writes a "Reply to Bill-Belotserkovsky."
J. V. Stalin writes a message of greetings to the working men and women of the Krasny Treugolnik Factory in connection with the adoption of the seven-hour day. The greetings are published in Leningradskaya Pravda, No. 28, February 3, 1929.
February 11th
In 1929, Mussolini signed the Lateran Agreements with the Vatican, reducing the claims for lost church property to 2 billion lire from the Italian capture of Rome in 1870, allowing clergy authority over marriage and the family, and Pope Pius XI agreed to accept the authority of the Fascist dictatorship.
February 12th
In 1929, Stalin has a talk with a delegation of Ukrainian writers.
February 13th
In 1929, Congress passes the Cruiser Act , authorizing construction of 19 new cruisers and 1 aircraft carrier.
February 14th
In 1929, the ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MASSACRE occurred in Chicago. Al Capone's gang strolled into a warehouse owned by Bugs Moran, lined up seven members of a rival g ang against a brick wall and gunned them to death. To catch a re-enactment, rent the video of "Some Like It Hot."
February 22nd
In 1929, Stalin sends a telegram of greetings to the Red Army men, commanders and political officers of the First Red Cossack Regiment, stationed at ProskuroV. on the occasion of the eleventh anniversary of the Red Army.
1929 March
March 1st
In 1929, Stalin's greetings on the occasion of the publication of Selskokhozyaistvennaya Gazeta are published in the first issue of the newspaper.
March 14th
In 1929, The Second Leningrad Regional Party Conference elects J. V. Stalin to the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU(B).
March 18th
In 1929, J. V. Stalin writes " The National Question and Leninism. Reply to Comrades Meshkov, Kovalchuk, and Others."
March 22nd
In 1929, a U.S. Coast Guard vessel sank a Canadian-registerd schooner, the "I'm Alone," in the Guld of Mexico. (The schooner was suspected of carrying bootleg liquor).
March 30th
In 1929, Stalin attends a joint meeting of the Presidiums of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, and of the Councils of People's Commissars of the USSR and RSFSR, arranged in honour of M. I. Kalinin on the occasion of his tenth anniversary as President of the A.R.C.E.C. and C.E.C. of the USSR.
1929 April
April 16-23th
In 1929, Stalin directs the work of a plenum of the C.C. and C.C.C., CPSU(B).
April 22nd
In 1929, At the plenum of the C.C. and C.C.C., CPSU(B), J. V. Stalin delivers a speech on "The Right Deviation in the CPSU(B)."
April 23-29th
In 1929, Stalin directs the work of the Sixteenth All-Union Conference of the CPSU(B).
April 27th
In 1929, At the Sixteenth All-Union Conference of the CPSU(B), J. V. Stalin is elected to the commission for drafting the resolution on ways and means of promoting agriculture and tax relief for the middle peasant.
April 29th
In 1929, Stalin directs the work of a plenum of the C.C., CPSU(B).
1929 May
May 1st
In 1929, Stalin attends the May Day parade of the troops of the Moscow Garrison and the demonstration of the working people of the capital on the Red Square.
May 4th
In 1929, Stalin has a talk with a delegation of Donbas miners.
May 6th
In 1929, Stalin delivers a speech in the American Commission of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Comintern on the Right factionalists in the American Communist Party.
May 7th
In 1929, "Scarface" AL CAPONE punished three of his cronies by beating them to death with a baseball bat after they had all eaten dinner at the Hawthorn Hotel in Cicero, IL. A coroner found their bodies dumped over the Indiana state line and declared that a lmost every one of their bones had been broken.
May 11th
In 1929, J. V. Stalin writes the article, "Emulation and Labour Enthusiasm of the Masses," a foreword to Mikulina's pamphlet, Emulation of the Masses. The article is published, in Pravda, No. 114, May 22.
May 14th
In 1929, Stalin delivers speeches on the situation in the American Communist Party at a meeting of the Presidium of the Executive Committee of the Comintern.
May 15th
In 1929, the deadliest U.S. ho spital fire kills 123 at the Cleveland Clinic.
May 20-28th
In 1929, Stalin lakes part in the work of the Fifth Congress of Soviets of the USSR.
May 28th
In 1929, At the Fifth Congress of Soviets of the USSR J. V. Stalin is elected a member of the Union Soviet of the C.E.C,. USSR.
1929 June
June 18th
In 1929, J. V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov have a talk with a delegation of representatives of the timber industry.
1929 July
July 9th
In 1929, Stalin writes a letter to Comrade Felix Kon.
July 10th
In 1929, J. V. Stalin sends a congratulatory message to the Ukrainian Young Communist League on its tenth anniversary. The message is published in Pravda, No. 157, July 12.
July 24th
In 1929, President Herbert Hoover proclaimed the Kellogg-Briand Pact, which renounced war as an instrument of foreign policy.
In 1929, Stalin is present at exercises of a squad-ron of the Black Sea Fleet.
July 25th
In 1929, Stalin pays a visit to the Cruiser "Chervona Ukraina," attends an amateur concert given by the crew, and makes an entry in the logbook of the cruiser.
1929 August
1929 September
1929 October
October 30th
In 1929, J. V. Stalin writes a message of greetings to the Special Far Eastern Army on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. The message is published in Trevoga, No. 52, and Pravda, No. 259, November 7.
1929 November
November 3rd
In 1929, J. V. Stalin writes the article "A Year of Great Change," published in Pravda, No 259, November 7.
November 7th
In 1929, Stalin attends the parade of the troops of the Moscow Garrison and the demonstration of the working people of the capital on the Red Square on the occasion of the twelfth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution.
November 10-17th
In 1929, Stalin directs the work of a plenum of the C.C., CPSU(B).
November 13th
In 1929, At a meeting of the plenum of the C.C., CPSU(B), J. V. Stalin delivers a speech denouncing the factional activities of the leaders of the Bukharin opposition.
The plenum of the C.C., CPSU(B) elects J. V. Stalin to a commission set up for the final draft of the resolution on the control figures for the national economy in 1929-30, and for drafting a resolution on Bukharin's group of Right deviators.
November 15th
In 1929, The plenum of the C.C., CPSU(B) elects J. V. Stalin to a commission set up to draft the final text of a resolution on the results and further tasks of collective-farm development.
November 18th
In 1929, Large quake in Atlantic breaks Transatlantic cable in 28 places.
November 29th
In 1929, Stalin takes part in the work of the Second Session of the C.E.C., USSR, fifth convocation.
1929 December
December 18th
In 1929, J.V. Stalin's article, "A Necessary Correction, " is published in Pravda, No. 298.
December 21st
In 1929, J. V. Stalin writes a reply to all organisations and comrades who sent him congratulations on his fiftieth birthday. The reply is published in Pravda, No. 302, December 22.
December 27th
In 1929, J. V. Stalin delivers a speech to an All-Union Conference of Marxist Students of Agrarian Questions "Concerning Questions of Agrarian Policy in the USSR" The speech was published in Pravda, No. 309, December 29.