1934 JanuaryJanuary 15th In 1934, 8.4 earthquake in India/Nepal, 10,700 die. January 26th In 1934, Nazi Germany & Poland sign non-attack treaty for 10 years. = Hitler revealed to a shocked Europe a 10-year nonaggression pact with Poland. |
1934 February
February 9th
In 1934, -14.3 degrees F (-25.8 degrees C), coldest day in New York City.
In 1934, -51 degrees F (-46 degrees C), Vanderbilt, Michigan (state record).
1934 March
March 3rd
In 1934, John Dillinger breaks jail using a wooden pistol.
March 13th
In 1934, John Dillinger and his gang robbed the First National Bank in Iowa. Baby Face Nelson was waiting outside in a getaway car. When a woman customer ran out of the bank and said "They're robbing the bank", Nelson responded "You're telling me".
March 21st
In 1934, Fire destroys Hakodate Japan, killing about 1,500.
March 22nd
In 1934, Fire destroys Hakodate Japan (kills 1,500, injures 1,000).
1934 April
April 11th
In 1934, at the top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, winds gust to 231 miles per hour, the strongest ever recorded on earth.
April 12th
In 1934, The Big Wind: the highest velocity natural wind ever recorded occurred on the Mt. Washington N.H. observatory at 231 MPH!
April 24th
In 1934, Wind gusts reach 372 kph at Mt Washington, NH.
1934 May
May 10th
In 1934, dust storms sweep away three hundred million tons of topsoil in Arkansas, Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas. Hundreds of farmers subsequentl y abandon their land.
May 15th
In 1934, the Deptartment of Justice offerd a $25,000 reward for John Dillinger, dead or alive.
May 23rd
In 1934, bank robbers Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were shot to death in a police ambush as they were driving a stolen Ford Deluxe along a road in Bienville Parish, Louisiana.
1934 June
June 14th
In 1934, Hitler and Mussolini met for the first time in Vienna, friendly on the outside but antagonistic in private, disagreeing in private over Dollfuss (who was assassinated in July by pro-nazi Austrians).
June 15th
In 1934, The National Guard becomes part of the U.S. Army in a time of war through the National Guard Act.
June 26th
In 1934, Germany & Poland sign no-attack treaty.
June 30th
In 1934, Adolf Hitler began his "blood purge" of political and military leaders in Germany. Among those killed was one-time Hitler ally Ernst Roehm, leader of the Nazi stormtroopers and Hitler's one-time ally.
= Hitler carries out blood purge of Nazi Party.
= Night of the Long Knives, Hitler murdered Ernst Rohm and began to eliminate the SA, replacing the old Nazi party brownshirts with Heinrich Himmler's SS and Reinhard Heydrich's SD as state internal security forces.
1934 July
July 14th
In 1934, 116 degrees F (47 degrees C), Orogrande, New Mex ico (state record).
July 20th
In 1934, 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Keokuk, Iowa (state record).
July 20th
In 1934, Die Schutzstaffel (SS) wird aus den Parteigliederungen ausgekoppelt und Hitler direkt unterstellt.
July 21st
In 1934, 113 degrees F (45 degrees C), near Gallipolis, Ohio (state record).
July 22nd
In 1934, John Dillinger, the first person to receive the FBI's " Public Enemy No. 1" distinction, was shot to death by FBI agents as he left Chicago's Biograph movie theater, where he had just seen the movie "Manhattan Melodrama" starring Clark Gable and Myrna Loy.
July 25th
In 1934, Unsuccessful pro-Nazi revolt takes place in Austria; Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss is assassinated.
July 28th
In 1934, 118 degrees F (48 degrees C), Orofino, Idaho (state record).
1934 August
August 2nd
In 1934, Adolf Hitler declared himself Fuehrer on the death of President Hindenberg.
In 1934, German President Paul von Hindenburg died, paving the way for Adolf Hitler's complete takeover. Hitler became Supreme Commander of the armed forces.
August 6th
In 1934, US troops leave Haiti, which had been occupied since 1915.
August 16th
In 1934, US ends occupation of Haiti (been the re since 1915).
August 19th
In 1934, Hitler elected Fuhrer (95.7% of German voters); Plebescite in Germany approved sole executive power to Adolph Hitler.
In 1934, a plebiscite in Germany approved the vesting of sole executive power in Adolf Hitler as Fuhrer. Over 90% of the voters voted him into office.
August 26th
In 1934, Adolf Hitler demanded that France turn over the Saar region to Germany.
1934 September
September 8th
In 1934, 134 people lost their lives in a fire aboard the liner Morro Castle off the Ashl ey Park, New Jersey coast.
September 19th
In 1934, Bruno Hauptmann was arrested in New York and charged with the kidnap-murder of the Lindbergh infant.
September 21st
In 1934, Typhoon strikes Honshu Island Japan, kills 4,000.
1934 October
October 1st
In 1934, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler expands the German army and navy, and create s an air force.
October 22nd
In 1934, bank robber Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd was discovered and shot t o death by federal agents at a farm in East Liverpool, Ohio.
1934 November
1934 December
Decamber 1st
In 1934, Sergei M. Kirov, a collaborator of Josef Stalin, was assassinated at the Leningrad party headquarters, resulting in a massive purge.